My Choices News Update

Trees and bushes near highways improve air quality“Anyone who’s endured rush-hour bumper-to-bumper traffic knows how unpleasant the air can get. Between fumes, dust, and all those exhaust pipes, it’s definitely not a nature lover’s paradise. But what if those trees...

Hepatitis C News Update

And Then There Was One: HCV Elimination in the Coinfected Population“The treatment of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) has evolved considerably in the past 15 years. Second-generation direct-acting antivirals entered the market in late 2014. Today we have well-tolerated,...

My Choices News Update

Vitamin D and Calcium Supplements May Reduce Cancer Risk, Study Shows“Experts explain how the combination could be a double-edged sword, though.” Appropriate Statin Use Soars When Pharmacists on Board“The odds of prescribing the appropriate dose of statins increased...

Hepatitis C News Update

Gene Activity Study May Lead to Better Therapies for Fibrosis of the Liver“A research team carried out an animal study aimed at better understanding the scarring process (fibrosis) in diseased or injured livers. They examined gene activity in two different mouse...

My Choices News Update

Oregon needs to listen to its patients“More than half of Oregonians are living with at least one chronic health condition. One in four adults has a disability, and around 20,000 people receive a cancer diagnosis each year. Right now, our state is making critical drug...