“No one should have to live with viral hepatitis without knowing. Yet, globally more than 290 million men, women and children do. Unless there is a massive scale-up in screening, diagnosis and linkage to care, more people will become infected and lives will continue to be lost. The World Hepatitis Alliance’s (WHA) global campaign – Find the Missing Millions – is a three-year global awareness-raising and advocacy campaign aimed at tackling the main barriers to diagnosis by putting civil society organisations and the affected community at the heart of the solution.”
Learn more about the World Health Organization’s plan to eliminate HCV by 2030
“Worldwide, approximately 240 million people have chronic hepatitis B infection and 80 million people have chronic hepatitis C infection – two liver infections that together result in an estimated 1.4 million deaths worldwide. A stepped-up global response can no longer be delayed.”
Are you part of the Elimination movement? Get Test! Get Cured!
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America Is Falling Behind in Hepatitis Elimination Efforts
“More than 60 organizations, including NVHR, signed onto a letter urging the Trump administration to invest in the Department of Health & Human Services Viral Hepatitis Action Plan and to commit in words and action to the elimination of HBV and HCV in the United States by 2030. You may download a copy of the letter here.”